Over the past millennia Slavs, self-designation of various Slavic tribes who had originally common culture and a common language, determined by different factors.
Prior to the disappearance of the levels, all the Slavic tribes had a middle name urrusy. After the disappearance of the levels, the functions they perform, internally split between their wards Russ.
This led to the formation of several castes: the caste of the Magi - the knowledge and tradition, caste of professional warriors, defending against external enemies, artisan castes, grain farmers and pastoralists. Above all these castes was tribal aristocracy.
Some time after the disappearance level, Russ puts your name obscheplemennomu a particular prefix that reflected their primary occupation (et'russki, p'russy).
Nomadic tribes of Slavs cattlemen began to call themselves Scots, farmers - meadows, forest dwellers - Drevlyane.
Later, there was a further separation of the Slavic tribes from each other, when, fleeing from hunger arising in Siberia during the recent cold snap, some Slavic birth left their homeland in search of new land for habitat.
Gone were taken birth in the form of self-names, the names of their leaders - princes. Rhoda, who left the Prince of Sarmatia, started calling themselves the Sarmatians, who left the Scythian prince - the Scythians.
Over time, the spin-off, the parent of Vedic culture, these Slavic tribes "overgrown" in the new lands of local culture, partly associated with the inclusion of elements of the cultures of the people with whom they lived side by side, or subdued, coming to the new land.
But it was not the other nations, it was all the same Slavs. And when, in the future, they are, for whatever reason, returned to their ancestral home, then again became a Russ.
It is for this reason that "historians" can not explain the complete disappearance of the same Sarmatians, Scythians.
They will not disappear, but just reunited with his older birth, took their family name at that time existed in the social laws.
They were, as a branch of the river Slavic tribe: branching off from the main "channel" and later re-merging with it, have made a fresh approach to the "waters of the old river bed," At that time, as a number of other "arms-tribes" forever leaving his "old mainstream "and, over time, of the" tribal sleeve "any new Slavic tribes, the new Slavic nations with greater or lesser differences in language, traditions and beliefs: the Serbs, Bulgarians, Macedonians, Croats, Czechs, Slovenes, Poles and many others .
But regardless of that, all these tribes, until the Middle Ages, remembered and knew their Slavic-Aryan Vedic empire that existed tens of thousands of years.
And it is - not the ignorant nonsense that suddenly took up history.
This is very much in evidence, and not in the form of "castles in the air," and the very real historical, archaeological and anthropological evidence, which had been ignored and silenced "historians" with diplomas and scientific degrees.
In the Southern Urals, near the village of Chandar in 1999 Chuvyrov professor discovered a stone slab on which was drawn a relief map of the West-Siberian region, made technologies unknown to modern science. Such a map can not be created today.
In addition to the natural landscape, this three-dimensional map for the creation of which, at a minimum, we need artificial satellites, the system shows two canals with a total length of twelve thousand kilometers wide by five meters, as well as twelve dams, 300-500 meters wide, long and ten kilometers and a depth of three kilometers.
Not far from the diamond-shaped channels site ...
On a stone slab were written signs caused hieroglyphic-syllabic script, which for some reason immediately attributed to the ancient Chinese language, which in the future is not completely confirmed.
We hammered the idea of primitive Slavs Slav so ingrained into the brains of Russian scientists that they did not even had the idea that the inscriptions in the Slavic-Aryan runes and, with the help of the latter, all the numerous inscriptions on the stone slab can be read.
And you do not have to go to the kingdom of Far Far Away, but only to compare with the runes of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas.
It is assumed that such plates was 348, which together, creating a three-dimensional world map.
Most of these plates is probably lost forever after the Romanov "spotters stories" in the early nineteenth century, "led" the newly acquired trans-Ural territory to the right of the Romanov Empire "standard."
Back in the archival documents of the eighteenth century is mentioned on more than two hundred of these stone slabs.
Romanov "spotters stories" - almost all foreigners, often speaking in Russian, - past, under pain of death, with his "whisk the Devil" by destroying any historical traces of the Slavic-Aryan empire.
But, sooner or later, the secret is revealed. Even what's left after this "broom" that could save Russian people, often risking their lives, and who did not want to put up with how destroyed the great past of the Russian people, even those crumbs more than enough to recover fairly accurate picture of the past Russia . And these "crumbs" is found more and more ...
At the end of the twentieth century became available to the general reader Slavic-Aryan Vedas, contain a lot of interesting information that modern science is just ignored. And for good reason.
These translated into modern Russian language unique manuscripts say that, before the last ice age, which was caused by the war between the Great Russenia and Antlaniey13 (Atlantis), which occurred more than thirteen thousand years ago, long distance moving through a planetary scale Wightman and by Vaitmar that could carry in her womb to 144 Wightman, traveled on the near and distant planets.
So, the mysterious rhombic area on a three-dimensional map of Western Siberia is, none other than the landing sites for these most Vaitmar and Wightman.
Vaitmar last left our Midgard-earth, about, about three and a half thousand years ago, when started, Night of Svarog ...
Another interesting document is the Book of Veles, the latest entries in it were made by the wise men of Novgorod in the late tenth century and has covered more than twenty thousand years of the history of Slavs.
It also speaks of the great cold snap which has arisen as a result of the disaster caused by falling debris Little Moon - Fatta, during the war between the mother country - Great Russenia and out-of-"parental care" province - Antlan (Atlantis).
Cold snap and climate change throughout Siberia and the Far East has forced a large number of ancient Slavs leave the metropolis and move to unoccupied and uninhabited areas of Europe, which led to a significant weakening of the metropolis itself.
And tried to take advantage of this southern neighbors - Arima, Arima residents, so in those ancient times rasichi called Ancient China.
The war was hard and uneven, but, nevertheless, the Great Russenia defeated ancient China - Arima.
This event took place 7511 years ago. The victory was so large and heavy that the Day of Creation (peace treaty) on September 22 on the Christian calendar, our ancestors chose the new turning point of reference in its history.
In this Slavic calendar now - the summer of the year 7511.
So, Russian history has more than seven and a half thousand years of a new era that followed the victory in a difficult war with ancient China. And the symbol of this victory was the Russian warrior with a spear piercing serpent, known at the present time, as St. George.
The meaning of this symbol has never explained, at least I have not come across any explanation of this sign in the "official" history. It was only after reading the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, everything fell into place.
Ancient China in the past was called not only to Arima, but also the country of the Great Dragon. Figurative name of the country of the Dragon survived for China so far.
In the Old Russian language called dragon serpent, in modern language, this word was transformed into the word snake.
Probably everyone remembers the Russian folk tale in which Prince Ivan wins alternately three-headed, shestiglavogo and finally devyatiglavogo Gorynych to release Vasilisa the Beautiful.
Each of Russian fairy tales ended with the line: "The Tale of a lie, but it hints, dashing good lesson." What lesson is this a fairy tale?
In it, a way of Vasilisa the Beautiful, hidden image of the Motherland. By Ivan Tsarevich - the collective image of the Russian heroes, liberating their country from enemies: Gorynych - Great Dragon - Arima troops, in other words, China.
This tale has immortalized the victory over China, which has become a symbol of a warrior with a spear piercing serpent-dragon. No matter how this character is called now, its essence remains the same - Great Victory Russian (Slavic) weapons of the enemy 7511 years ago.
But, unfortunately, this victory all together "forgotten." Men of Russian historical science, among them, an ethnic Russian, was practically not observed, "inform" us Slavs, we got out of their lairs at the turn of the ninth-tenth centuries and were so primitive that they even had their own statehood, and only the "enlightened "Europe has helped and" taught "how to live.
Learn something good - never a sin, but that is so, that is the question!
Recall that in the middle of the eleventh century of the Christian calendar, the daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, Princess Anne became Queen of France.
Who came from the "wild" Kievan Rus' princess did not think that I came to the "enlightened" Europe and Paris perceived as a large village, which is documented in the form of her letters.
She brought with her to a remote province, which was then considered France, part of the library, some of the books from which returned to Russia only in the nineteenth century, once in the library Sulakadzaeva.
This man made the first translation of Veles Books in modern Russian language, which was a wooden plank applied with the runic letter.
Sulakadzaeva after death, his widow sold the majority of its libraries Romanov, then no one else on the books have not heard anything.
Only a small portion of his library into the hands of other collectors, including the Book of Veles, which Mirolyubov in 1942, took the photos.
In this book, written by the wise men, reflecting the history of the Slavic-Russian tribes who left their homeland in the Seven Rivers. The so-called seven Siberian rivers: Irij (Irtysh), Ob, Yenisei, Angara, Lena, Ishim and Tobol, in other words - Belovodye.
The content of this book is fully in line with the Slavic-Aryan Vedas and archaeological discoveries of recent decades, which completely rejects the "objections" of the "true" historians.
Actually, in a sense - they are "right."
The word story arose from the merger of two words - from The Torah, which means that - stories from the past of the Jewish people.
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