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Recently there has been an interest in literal translations of Biblical texts.

This discussion may not be for everyone. Please be respectful if your opinion differs from the information presented.

I will not tolerate mudslinging or disrespect for those of us who wish to dig deeply into the original language of religious texts.

The first video is one put out by Paul Wallis.

58 minutes

Another interesting person that has much to say on the original language of the Bible is Mauro Biglino.

25 minutes

About Mauro Biglino

Translator of 19 books of the Old Testament with Edizioni San Paolo, the scholar in ancient languages Mauro Biglino stood out in the eyes of the general public from 2010 with his outstanding literal reinterpretation of the Bible, expressed in a series of best-selling essays.

His work has won over aficionados, scholars and all sorts of readers. His books take the reader by the hand and – free of any preconceptions or theological filters – accompany them through a fascinating narration of biblical verses, which are analysed in their original form in ancient Hebrew.

A point of view that seeks fruitful debate

During the past ten years, Mauro Biglino has conducted a tireless work of outreach and divulgation, trhough hundreds of conferences, and by joining international convenitons.

He had many chances to discuss with countless experts (including biologists, archeologists, engineers and medical doctors) which supported his hypotheses concerning the possibility that the Bible might contain clear tracks about the true origins of humanity. In his view, the Mankind might have been “manufactured” by a community of non-terrestrial beings, the Elohim, that have later been turned into divinities by Mankind itself. Among these beings one in particular stands out: Yahweh. In Mauro Biglino’s faithful reading of the Old Testament, Yahweh is simply the “ruler” of one the many Hebraic families, that of the Israelites.
43 minutes

45 minutes

28 minutes

You will have to watch it on YouTube

33 minutes Mauro Biglino continues the analysis begun in the video "When we lived with the Elohim" to underline how the simple reading of the verbal forms can reveal the operational intimacy that existed between the Elohim and some privileged Adamites. Thus it is highlighted that even the term Messiah / Anointed can have a much more concrete and functional meaning than what we have been told.

I found this interesting

24 minutes

Gotta' clear a few hours on my schedule!    Heartflowers
(12-27-2024, 03:04 AM)DaJavoo Wrote: [ -> ]Gotta' clear a few hours on my schedule!    Heartflowers

No doubt. I've seen some of this material. I'm glad SlowLo made a thread about it.

Good stuff!

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